
Enhance Your Car Performance with Quality Aftermarket Used Wiring Harness

Choose from the extensive stock of car wiring harness components, plugs, and connectors. Aftermarket wiring harness for sale!

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Product Specification

Product NameWiring Harness
Product CategoryElectrical Parts
ConditionAftermarket, Used
FeaturesLong life span,
Top-quality insulating material,
Excellent conduction.
Approx Cost$100 to $350
engine wiring harness replacement

Aftermarket Wiring Harness – Reliable Choice

In addition to the engine, your car needs a lot of electricity to run the lights, radio, and other car components. The supply of electricity and signals is carried to these various parts through a wiring harness. These connections and a fuse box are what make the car function. 

You couldn’t start your car without an engine wiring harness. Even though it may only be a collection of cables, it is essential to the vehicle’s operation. Thus, if your wiring harness is lacking in relaying signals or totally malfunctioned, upgrade it with an aftermarket wiring harness.

Quality Wiring Harness Available at Our Store

Why Should You Go For Wiring Harness Replacement?

  • Wiring Harness Wearing : With the passage of time and under poor conditions, there can be wearing of a wiring harness. Poor coating of wires also causes the wearing. Moreover, the failure of the electronic stability system will arise from lashings caused by the friction of the wire harness and suspension.
  • Burned or Melted Wire Harness : The wiring harness that is installed in the engine, exhaust pipe, and water pipe suffers frequent heat. Thus they melt or burn down. It leads to the failure of the electrical equipment and eventually results in spontaneous combustion.
  • Fuse Blowing off : Also, if the voltage supply is uneven in the relay signals, it may cause the blowing off of the fuse. You can assess the malfunctioning of the wiring harness if you find multiple fuse failures.
  • Poor Wiring Harness Layout : If the wiring harness’s branch design is too short or of poor quality, it can malfunction. Also, when the layout is not in synchronization with the ECU, it can risk the relay’s functioning.

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Buying Checklist of Used Wiring Harness

If you are seeking an upgradation of your car’s wiring harness, then the following are the key points to consider before choosing it.

aftermarket wiring harness

  • Check the tolerance of circuits.
  • Select the right inner wire material.
  • Inspect the wire covering.
  • Type of insulation.
  • Voltage ratings.

Selecting the right wiring harness assembly kit will make the

  • Installation period shorter.
  • Decreased likelihood of short circuits.
  • A greater ability to withstand extreme conditions.
  • More efficient performance.
  • Better Performance of hybrid vehicles.
  • Good at withstanding high power loads.

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Do you find car wiring and electricity challenging? Unsure what to purchase? With a catalog tailored to the make and model of the vehicle, we can substantially reduce uncertainty.

  • Quality Wiring Harness
  • For Every Car Component
  • Custom Wiring Harness
  • Heavy Load Capacity
  • 30% Off on Aftermarket Wiring Harness
wiring harness replacement

Are You Looking For Something Else?


A wiring harness breakdown is indicated if the battery in your automobile is dead or loses charge quickly.

A harness that can be expanded can handle more current than the circuits it has. The use of larger wiring protects against even the smallest voltage loss across each circuit.

The wiring harness links the fuse box, engine, and other automotive electrical components. It supplies electricity to the components.

Strong Supply of Wiring Harness

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